About SlickDeals.net
Slickdeals.net has been a free deal sharing site since 1999 and is based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Community members share deals, discounts, coupons, codes, and promos all over the web. They feature slick deals, as the name of the site suggests from top stores such as eBay, Amazon, WalMart, Kmart, Best Buy, Merit Line, Dell, HP, and so much more. More than 4,000 coupon codes are featured every day from almost 2,000 stores all over the web. Since its launching, more than 740,000 deals have been featured in the site.
Each featured deal has been handpicked by editors and staffs so you are assured that only the best deal are featured. All deals have undergone research and have been thoroughly reviewed prior to posting. This ensures that prices, expiration dates, and other deal details are accurate. Each merchant are also verified and only deals from trustworthy stores and are featured. Slickdeals.net does not accept special advertisements from shops as well so every deal are posted without bias.
Frontpage Slickdeals feature the best deals within the past three days. These can be viewed in three styles which are grid, list, or simple. You can also hide expired deals or expand all. More information about a deal will be displayed upon clicking. The main page also features an exclusive deal from the site, day’s giveaway prize, and featured coupons.
For those who need to shop in-stores to pick up the items right away, you can find local deals featured under a specified category for popular cities including Atlanta, Chicago, Kansas City, Nashville, Portland, Seattle, Austin, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York, San Diego, St. Louis, Boston, Denver, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Phoenix, San Francisco, and Washington D.C.
The site also has a forum where members can share practically everything you can save money about. Hot topics are top rated discussions based on user votes. They also feature freebies, contests, sweepstakes, drugstores, groceries, all things B&M (brick and mortar), travel deals, rebates and so much more. Members can also discuss about products, technology, games, and anything else about shopping. There are currently close to a million registered users in the site.
In addition to the rating system mentioned earlier, members are also given the opportunity to rate the deals. It is also integrated with social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter. As of today, there are 63,947 Facebook likes and 111,078 Twitter followers for Slick Deals. Both sites feature the best deals from the site with the Facebook page uniquely the sole deal site with a section dedicated for deals. Those who have not visited the site yet can have an idea about what it offers through Facebook.
Contributor Cory says: on Fri Sep 10, 2010 3:55 PM
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One of the best sites on the Web to find good technology deals is Slickdeals.net, a site that tracks both online and offline computer bargains.
Slickdeals.net is a free, user-driven deal sharing site with a mission to provide consumers an avenue to collaborate and share information in order to make the best shopping decisions.
Contributor James says: on Fri Sep 26, 2008 4:53 PM
This is best site.