About a2zDeals.com
Deals from A to Z with A2ZDeals.com
A2ZDeals.com has been committed to sharing the best deals, discounts, coupons, and bargains from various stores since 1999. The A to Z name is applicable to more than 500 retailers now participating in the site. It also applies to over 3,000 deals and coupons featured on the site daily.
A2ZDeals.com has millions of registered members and users that are able to use the services absolutely free. Based on independent statistics from various web monitor sites, the average monthly viewing for A2ZDeals.com is over 70,000.
The only certified completely family friendly deals and coupons site, A2ZDeals.com does not list products that are related to alcohol, tobacco, and any other goods that are deemed inappropriate for anyone below 8 years old. A2ZDeals.com is also one among few sites which are not built based on advertisements. Its main goal is to ensure that families are able to take advantage of the best deals and coupons to save money.
The site has a lot to offer. It takes a diligent shopper to scroll up, down, left, and right to know. While most appreciate simple sites which show everything right on the main page, some shoppers also love to navigate. This family friendly site is great for those who love to shop and surf sites. You’ll find deals, coupons, and more deals and coupons all over the website. Just click on various links to see.
The main page does feature the best deals like most similar sites do. If you want more, you’ll find links for many more coupons and deals below. Seeing links for "more coupons", "even more coupons", and "thousands of more coupons and promotion codes in many categories" will definitely attract families to search for more. You may also request to receive coupon and deal alerts and the A2ZDeals.com newsletter via email.
On the header you’ll find tabs for hot, hot, hot deals, today’s new deals, coupons by store, coupons by category, free shipping promos, and resources. The latter brings up a very useful page where resources for consumers, family, and students can be found. Other relevant resources for financial services, product recalls, and autos are listed.
Hot, hot, hot deals tab lists the featured deals as well as the most popular deals. Today’s new deals tab not only shows the latest addition to the site but the most clicked coupons too. Coupons by store obviously list down all stores from A to Z including what they offer. Here, thousands of coupons and deals from hundreds of merchants can be found. Coupons by category of course present all categories, also from A to Z.
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