About OnlineCoupons.net
KeepCash.com or OnlineCoupons.net
KeepCash.com is now known as OnlineCoupons.net. The Keep Cash URL redirects to the website for Online Coupons.
Comparing the old interface with the newer site design, Online Coupons have kept the simplicity and ease of use characteristic that was present when it was still called Keep Cash. Most reviews written for KeepCash.com applaud the site’s edge when it comes to design. In fact many shoppers still can’t get over the old site. Nonetheless, it’s now called OnlineCoupons.net but the vision to keep shoppers cash in their wallet through coupon discounts still remains the same.
Fast forward to the present, the new site still retains the user-friendly navigation design prevalent in the old one with a touch of Web 2.0 added. The site features coupons and coupon codes from various merchants all over the web. As of the end July 2011, OnlineCoupons.net has actually reached the 100,000 mark for all online coupons which were made available through the site. OnlineCoupons.net also updates the site daily with almost 50,000 coupons added on a daily basis now.
The home page features a quick summary of the best deals of the day. It also highlights promotional codes and coupon codes from various stores. The rest of the page is dedicated for the top coupons under popular categories such as clothing & apparel, health, beauty, gifts & flowers, tools & hardware, computer accessories & electronics, shoes & fashion, and featured coupons from all other categories.
The footer has tabs for important information including terms and conditions, privacy policy, and an option to contact OnlineCoupons.net. The company has actually been operating since 2002. They have been featured in reputable news and television companies such as The New York Times, FoxNews.com, and ABC among others. Still at the footer section, a blog which brings shoppers relevant information and useful tips to save more when shopping is also present.
Back on the main page, tabs for Black Friday, deals of the day, and more coupons are also found on the header. You may also find coupons based on store or category. Coupons that are recently added or expiring soon have dedicated pages as well.
The Black Friday tab redirects to BlackFriday.info where all information on all Black Friday news and deals. Here, the latest updates on popular stores are featured including Apple, WalMart, and a lot more. The deals of the day tab is just a shortcut to the main page’s top deals section. Clicking on coupons tab or by store actually bring you the same page for coupons based on stores with thousands of them listed from A to Z. These are further filtered based on category, what’s newly added, and what’s expiring soon.
Contributor peter11 says: on Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:02 AM
I have been going through KeepCash.com many times a week. I have found tons of good items on this site. They have great offers with great discounts.