About SteepandCheap.com
SteepandCheap.com Offers Back to Back Outdoor Gear Deal Daily
Unlike other daily deal sites which lets you wait until the day is over, SteepandCheap.com offers back to back outdoor gear deals daily in case the previous item gets sold out. The site features over 250 brands and more than 5,000 products up its sleeve. You’ll find exactly what you need for backpacks, gears, & accessories for camping, rock climbing, mountaineering, skiing, snowboarding, kayaking, and other outdoor sports and activities. Some of the brands offered include Oakley, The North Face, JanSport, Mountain Hardware, Black Diamond, Salomon, Columbia, Petzl, Arc Teryx, and so much more. You save up to 50% to 80% discount with each featured deal.
There is a limitation of how much can purchased per household though. Only 3 items of the same kind can be bought by a family. SteepandCheap.com does not cater to bulk and wholesale purchases. The site only serves individuals and families. This is not a place to look for goods which can be resold afterwards.
On the positive side, the site has numerous alert options so you won’t miss a deal. You can subscribe for alerts through IM, SMS, mobile app alert (including an iPhone app), email, and even a desktop widget (through the Mac Desktop Alert Tool) which you can install in your computer. You can also share deals to family and friends and participate in the forums for discussions. They also have an unconditional return policy which beats all other sites. The site also only offers new items and does not supply refurbished products. When it comes to shipping, they ship internationally to all countries which support PayPal purchases as well.
TopTenReviews.com awards the top spot to SteepandCheap.com in its review of one day deal sites. The site has been commended for various reasons including the ones stated above. How the deals are presented is also great. You’ll find more than two images of an item available in thumbnails. If there are different colors offered for the same item, a meter lets you know if such as a color is already sold out or is still available. This is possible through the Inventory Meter.
When it comes to purchases, you can conveniently buy items without having to register an account. There are advantages for signing up at least such as receiving alerts if you want to and participating in forum discussions. It makes it easier for you to order again in the future since most information necessary for purchases are already saved on the site.